Zee's Photography
Price list
Prices are subject to change please call for current prices.

Event Photography
Partys,birthdays, Proms, Sporting Events, ect
Studio Session/Shoots
Camera Person/ Set Up
Set up at your event for individual guest pictures
Service 1 ..................................... $210.00
Service 2 ..................................... $380.00
Service 3 ..................................... $515.00
Serv 1 -includes USB w 75 images (3hr only)
Serv 2- Includes USB w 150 images (4Hr)
Events 20mile from my location travel fee will be added.
Service 1 ..................................... $90.00
Service 2 ..................................... $150.00
Ssession 1- is up to 1hr shoot w 1 wardrobe change 5 poses retouched on a USB w 25pic
Session 2- is up to 2hr shoot 3 wardrobe changes
10 poses retouched on a USB w30 pics
Any shoot not done at studio a travel fee with be added $25.00
Retainer fee.................................. $75.00

Event Photography
Estimate of Price Break down
Photography Service $95.00 Hour (minimum 3hr)
Photo CD $40.00
Web gallery $35.00
Backdrop $65
Balloons $65
Photo Album 125.00
Camera Person backdrop set up picks not shown here - black, white grey & tan ---------->